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Friday, February 7, 2014

Cell division and Mitosis

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Hey everyone! Epicraptor here ready to discuss mitosis. Cell division is the division of a dying cell to form two new cells. Mitosis is when the nuclei divide into two new identical nuclei. Mitosis ensures that each cell offspring will have a complete set of chromosomes like the parent cell. Chromosomes are two DNA molecules held together by a circular structure called a centromere. Every human cell has 46 chromosomes. Mitosis has four steps, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.

A chromosome

During the prophase chromosomes are visible. Structures called centrioles appear on opposite ends of the cell. Thread-like spindle fibers begin to stretch across.


In metaphase the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. Each centromere attaches to two different spindle fibers.

In Anaphase the centromeres divide. Each half of the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell.


The last phase is telophase. In telophase Spindle fibers start to disappear. Chromosomes uncoil and it becomes harder to see them. Each mass of chromosomes develops it's own nuclear membrane to make a new nucleus.


A cell about to divide


Ninja Kick!

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