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Wednesday, August 28, 2013




Cells are the building blocks of life. Humans have trillions of cells in their body. Cells may be small but that doesn't mean they don't have different parts. Cells are like factories with each part having an important job. A flexible cell membrane forms the outer layer of the cell and it decides what gets in the cell and what stays out. The nucleus is the command center or the boss that instructs all the other parts of the cell on what to do.The nucleus tells other cell parts what to do. The nucleus is guided by DNA which contains your body's instructions for life. Inside the cell membrane is a mixture of chemicals and water that is called cytoplasm. Cytoplasm flows around the cell carrying structures called organelles. The organelles are listed below.
Mitochondria break down food and release energy.
Lysosomes break down food, cell waste and worn out cell parts.
The endoplasmic reticulum is that ribbony looking thing. there are two types the smooth ER and the rough ER. The smooth ER is used to create and store large molecules. The rough ER is studded with smaller strucutres called Ribosomes.
Ribosomes are responsible for making proteins, which cells need for everything they do like a power plant.
Golgi bodies pack up proteins to be sent to the body like a delivery truck.

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