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Monday, March 17, 2014

Genetic Mutations

 Genetic Mutations

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Yes I know the turtles were affected by radiation, not genes

Genetic mutations are a permanent change to a cell's DNA sequence or chromosome. Every living thing has genetic material which controls your body's function and determines your physical features. Some things like eye or hair color are determined by genes. However sometimes the genetic code changes and mutates. Sometimes they happen spontaneously or randomly during cell division.

Most of these changes do nothing at all. They are often corrected by DNA repair, so they don't become permanent. That basically sums up what DNA repair is. It just looks over DNA and gets rid of any mutations. When mutations do become permanent however, they are usually deleterious or bad.

The cell on the left is normal and the one on the right is a sickle cell
For example sickle cell anemia, which is a blood disease, is caused by a very small mutation in a protein-encoding gene. It turns blood cells into crescent shapes instead of circles when oxygen level in the blood drops.

Cancer is the result of deleterious mutations that cause uncontrolled cell growth.

Another example is Tay-sachs disease. Tay-Sachs disease is a life-threatening disease of the nervous system passed down through families.

Occasionally a mutation is beneficial and helps an organism survive. For example a bird having a longer beak would be beneficial because it could reach out farther. In fact beneficial mutations is probably why we have evolved so much. Organisms with beneficial mutations are more likely to pass their mutated genes down to their offspring. Mutations can also be caused by other forces such as chemicals, radiation and viruses. Mutations because of radiation or chemicals often are the subject of movies. Some examples are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Godzilla and most superheroes.

This has been Epicraptor and I hoped you learned something today. 

Eat Eat Your Vegetables animated GIF

Thursday, March 6, 2014



     In my last blog post I talked about DNA but today we will talk about the secret weapon of DNA: RNA.

     RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is responsible for a lot of different jobs in a cell. Most of these jobs involve the making of proteins. Instructions for how to make proteins are encoded into your DNA, but DNA can’t communicate on its own with the organelles (cell organs) that produce them. RNA takes the “recipes” for proteins from the DNA, carries them over to the ribosome and translates the recipes so that the ribosome knows what to do with them. Instead of thymine RNA has uracil.


     While DNA is like a spiral staircase RNA is a spiral staircase sawed in half. Both DNA and RNA are long chains of nucleotides, or pairs of nucleic acid bases. DNA is double-stranded and contains a sugar molecule called deoxyribose. RNA is single-stranded and does not contain deoxyribose; it contains the sugar ribose instead. RNA is transcribed from DNA and is necessary for the creation of proteins in cells. In addition, RNA can have a much larger variety of nucleic acid bases. This gives RNA a wider variety of shapes and functions. DNA is made mostly of just four bases, and it serves one particular function. most living things have RNA and DNA but some living things only have RNA.


     Now for the different types of RNA. The different types are mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA. the job of mRNA or messenger RNA is to carry the protein recipes of that the DNA made to the ribosomes. Basically DNA is the engineer, RNA is the messenger and the ribosomes are the factory. Oh wait, the ribosomes can't understand what the RNA is saying. Duh duh duhhhhhhhh. The world is going to end. Nooooooooooooooooooo. Wait, we brought a translator. Yay. TRNA for the win!!! The tRNA or translator RNA is basically a translator. Now for the rRNA or the ribosome RNA. It just got bored of staying in a nucleus so it moved to the ribosomes. Ribosomes are actually part RNA. The rRNA is the one that makes proteins.
It would be funny if this bog was longer than my DNA one. Oh wait.....
This has been Epicraptor and I hope you learned something.