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Tuesday, January 21, 2014




Hello everybody. Today we will talk about something you can't see. It isn't alive either. It kills more people than all human wars combined. If you said viruses your are correct. Viruses have been portrayed in many movies. Although they can't turn people into zombies, doesn't mean they aren't deadly.

Very detailed picture of viruses.(NOT really)


 Viruses are nonliving particles that cause many diseases. Unfortunately the human body is a home for viruses. Viruses are to small to be seen with the naked eye, even smaller than a cell. Viruses reproduce by taking hold off one of your cells. It then releases a strand of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein called a capsid. In case you didn't know DNA is like a blueprint for your body that is in anything that is alive. The virus uses your cell like a factory to make lots more viruses. The bad part is a lot of times the virus ends up killing the cell. That's how you get sick. The viruses that aren't that evil still use our cells but don't kill him. Most animals and people are home to harmless viruses. The viruses that make you sick are called pathogenic viruses. The virus that infects the most people in the world is the common cold. Others are more deadly - viruses like hepatitis Ebola and HIV.

How Viruses reproduce

 One bacteria can make thousands of copies of themselves. You must be thinking "HOW ARE WE NOT DEAD YET". Two words: immune system. Are immune system may be a bunch of white cells that eat everything that poses a threat to us but they are constantly saving our lives. "Cough" Pacman "cough". Viruses were killing many people but thanks to a man named Edward Jenner we made a vaccine. A vaccine  releases a dead or weak version of a virus to your immune system. Your immune system then learns how to fight the virus. Without vaccines viruses would be much more deadlier.
How are immune system works.